A Case Study on Corporate Strategy Focused at Product Differentiation and Public Policy for the Enhancement of Industrial Structure: Korea's Trade Policy towards the Mega FTA

제품차별화 중심의 기업전략과 산업구조고도화 중심의 공공정책에 대한 연구: Mega FTA에 대한 한국의 통상정책을 중심으로

  • Hwang, Hae-Du (Department of International Trade, Konkuk University) ;
  • Shin, Hyeon-Joo (Department of International Trade, Konkuk University)
  • Received : 2019.07.19
  • Accepted : 2019.08.23
  • Published : 2019.08.31


This article recapitulates the recent changes in trade laws, which may be accentuated due to the intriguing emergence of fortified protectionism and Mega FTAs. It points out the need to formulate not only the corporate strategy for enhancing the product differentiation and architectural capabilities but also the public policy, which comprises the industrial adjustment policy to cope with possible negative impulses caused by the digital trade and foreign direct investment. It is imperative for Korea to facilitate the alignment between corporate strategy and industrial adjustment policy as an effective means of enhancing industrial structure by nurturing those linkage effects between relevant forward and backward industries. Given the drastically volatile trade norms of multi-track trade policies, it may be a pivotal momentum for Korea to pursue a paradigm shift of its trade policy with a prime objective of achieving such an alignment between corporate strategy and industrial adjustment policy, which affords increased value-added and the further development of product or generic technology instead of resorting to the misuses and abuses of economies of scale and production technology for the maximization of export amount.



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