Wind spectral characteristics on fatigue responses of towerbase and moorings of a floating offshore wind turbine

  • Udoh, Ikpoto E. (Houston Offshore Engineering / Atkins, a member of the SNC-Lavalin Group) ;
  • Zou, Jun (Houston Offshore Engineering / Atkins, a member of the SNC-Lavalin Group)
  • Received : 2018.12.07
  • Accepted : 2019.03.25
  • Published : 2019.06.25


The tower-platform interface and mooring system of floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) are some of the most critical components with significant influences on overall project costs. In addition to satisfying strength requirements, it is typical and vital to meet fatigue criteria for a service life of 25 years or more. Wind spectra characteristics considered in analysis can penalize fatigue designs, leading to unnecessary costs. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC, 2009) recommends the use of site-specific wind data (spectrum, turbulence intensity, etc.) in design of FOWTs, but for offshore sites it is often the case that such data is unavailable and land-based data are used as surrogates in design. For such scenarios, it is worth investigating whether such alternative approach is suitable and accurate, and understanding the consequence of the selection of wind spectral characteristics on fatigue design. This paper addresses the impact of the subsequent selection on fatigue responses of towerbase and mooring system in a FOWT, as a sequel to the paper by Udoh and Zou (2018) which focused on impacts on strength design. The 5 MW semi-submersible FOWT platform with six mooring lines implemented in the preceding study is applied in analysis. Results indicate significant variations in resulting fatigue life with considered wind parameters. Thus, it is critical to apply proper wind spectra characteristics for analysis and design of FOWTs to avoid unnecessary conservatism and costs. Based on the findings of this study, more explicit guidance on the application of turbulence intensities for IEC-recommended models in offshore sites could lead to more accurate load estimates in design of FOWTs.



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