확장유한요소법과 멀티스케일 기법을 통한 팔라듐 첨가 탄소섬유/알루미늄 적층구조에 대한 수치해석

Numerical Analysis of Palladium added Carbon Fiber/Al using Extended Finite Element Method and Multiscale Technique

  • 박우림 (부경대학교 안전공학과) ;
  • 권오헌 (부경대학교 안전공학과)
  • Park, Woo Rim (Department of Safety Engineering, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kwon, Oh Heon (Department of Safety Engineering, Pukyong National University)
  • 투고 : 2019.02.07
  • 심사 : 2019.04.22
  • 발행 : 2019.04.30


A palladium can adsorb hydrogen and detect leaking hydrogen through changes in color and electrical resistance. This study is to evaluate the structural behavior of carbon fiber adding palladium composite materials used in the hydrogen storage vessel. A multi-scale analysis technique was used to analyze accurately the behavior of each material in relation to the microscopic composition. The multi-scale analysis is more proper and precise for composite materials because of considering the individual microscopic structure and properties of each material for composite materials. Also the crack evaluation was performed by XFEM analysis to confirm the reinforcement performance of aluminum as a liner of the hydrogen vessel. The results show that the addition of the palladium material increased the macroscopic stress, but microscopically the carbon fiber stress was reduced. It means the performance improvement of the palladium added carbon fiber/Al composite.


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Fig. 1. Schematic of RVE and periodic boundary condition.

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Fig. 2. Micro-scale RVE model.

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Fig. 3. Macro-scale analysis model.

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Fig. 4. Results of perturbation analysis contour.

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Fig. 5. Carbon fiber/epoxy structure stress contour.

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Fig. 6. XFEM results of carbon fiber/epoxy.

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Fig. 7. The stress contour of fiber micro-scale model(Carbon fiber/epoxy).

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Fig. 8. Carbon fiber/Pd structure stress contour.

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Fig. 9. XFEM results of carbon fiber/Pd.

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Fig. 10. The stress contour of fiber micro-scale model (Carbon/Pd).

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Fig. 11. Comparison of multi-scale analysis results.

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Fig. 12. Comparison of the length of crack and delamination.

Table 1. Micro-scale material properties

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Table 2. Macro-scale material properties

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Table 3. Homogeneous material properties of RVE

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Table 4. PHILSM results of carbon fiber/epoxy

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Table 5. PHILSM results of carbon fiber/Pd

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