김현정의 한국화에 나타난 한국 전통 복식의 표현 특성 연구

A Study on the Characteristic Expression of Korean Traditional Costumes shown in the Korean Paintings by Kim Hyun-Jung

  • 나유신 (숙명여자대학교 의류학과)
  • Na, Yoo-Shin (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Sookmyung Women's University)
  • 투고 : 2019.03.17
  • 심사 : 2019.05.13
  • 발행 : 2019.05.30


The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristic expression of Korean traditional costumes shown in the Korean paintings by Kim Hyun-Jung. The study analyzed the paintings by Kim Hyun-Jung to find out the characteristics of the contemporary Korean paintings and the expression of Korean traditional costumes. The characteristics of Kim Hyun-Jung's works are as follows: 1) The paintings are drawn by using Korean traditional painting methods and finished with Korean traditional paper, hanji. Moreover, they show the Korean traditional costume as main subject material. 2) They use modern painting methods, such as collage, and show pop art characters by use of contemporary popular products. 3) The artist communicates with the public through SNS and YouTube, and shows characteristics of popular art through commercial art products and advertisements. The characteristics of the Korean traditional costume in Kim Hyun-Jung's works are as follows. 1) The hanbok shown in the paintings is a traditional style with tight jeogori and wide chima. Chima is drawn in thin coloring with Korean ink and jeogori is expressed with semi-transparent hanji in various patterns and colors, which shows the subject 'coy'. 2) Various kinds of Korean traditional accessories and modernized flower shoes with high heels are shown as subject materials. The art works by contemporary Korean artists are expected to be the route to give valuable information to the public about Korean traditional costumes as well as the trendy Korean culture.


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Figure 1. Oops, 2012 (

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Figure 2. Coy: Xenitis, 2013 (

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Figure 4. Coy: Familiar but Unfamiliar, 2013 (

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Figure 7. Coy: Heritage of the Mind, 2013 (

Table 3. Continued

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Figure 3. Coy: You Move Me, 2013 (

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Figure 5. Swag or Die: Naïve Lady, 2014 (

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Figure 6. Oops, 2013 (

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Figure 8. Coy: Planned Coincidence, 2014 (

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Figure 9. Coy: The Weight of Time, Age Twenty-Seven, 2014 (

Table 1. Classification of Hanbok Fabric Expressions Shown in Kim Hyunjung’s Paintings

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Table 2. Number of Jeogori Colors Shown in Kim Hyunjung’s Paintings

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Table 3. Classification of Korean Traditional Accessories Shown in Kim Hyunjung’s Paintings

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Table 4. Number of Accessories Shown in Kim Hyunjung’s Paintings

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Table 5. Classification of Flower Shoes Design Shown in Kim Hyunjung’s Paintings

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