A Study on Characteristics of the Survey for Architectures by Joseon Government-General through its List of Architectural Heritages in North Korea

일제강점기 북한지역 고건축물 목록을 통해 본 조선총독부 학무국 고건축 조사의 성격

  • 서효원 (국립문화재연구소 황룡사복원정비사업단)
  • Received : 2019.01.14
  • Accepted : 2019.04.10
  • Published : 2019.05.30


The purpose of this study was to analyze the "朝鮮古建築物", the list of architectural heritages in Korea during the early Japanese colonial period. The list included architectural heritage of the region of North Korea in the colonial era. A process of listing was showing the meaning of an architectural heritage for the Japanese General Government through the criteria of selecting buildings registered on the list. This study revealed the process of a survey for making list and explored the criteria of the list. The result of this effort will contribute to determining the historical background of North Korea's architectural heritage in the early days.



Supported by : 건설환경종합연구소


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