Fig. 1. Technologies by proportion of companies likely to adopt them by 2022(World Economic Forum, 2018)
Fig. 2. Analysis procedures of Convergence Education
Table 1. 19 Industrial Engine Projects[14]
Table 2. Comparing skills demand, 2018 vs. 2022, top ten(World Economic Forum, 2018)
Table 3. Configuration for key competency elicitation
Table 4. IT Core Competency
Table 5. Global Software Development (GSD) Competencies
Table 6. Analysis of Core Competencies for Design and Software Convergence Education
Table 7. Courses Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Design and Software Majors
Table 8. ‘Entrepreneurship Capability’ related keywords
Table 9. Analysis results of Competencies included in Educational Objectives of Convergence Majors
Table 10. Analysis results of Competencies included in Course Syllabi of Convergence Majors
Table 11. Design and Software Convergence Program Outcomes(PO)
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