A Study on the Power Generation Compared to the Capacity of Power Generation Facilities by Energy Sources in Summer Season

하절기의 에너지원별 발전설비용량 대비 발전량에 관한 연구

  • Kim, Chung Kyun (Research Center for Tribology, Mechatronics and Energy Technology Hongik University)
  • 김청균 (홍익대학교 트리보.메카.에너지기술 연구센터)
  • Received : 2018.11.13
  • Accepted : 2019.02.17
  • Published : 2019.02.28


In this study, we compared the operational rates of natural gas, coal, nuclear power and renewable energy based on the data of power generation and power generation facilities produced in summer season(from June to August) during the last four years(2015~2018). Nuclear power and coal power, which are responsible for basic power generation, were guaranteed to be economical as the actual generation capacity remained 60% higher than the cost of power generation. On the other hand, natural gas generation and new renewable energy generation have a very low actual operation rate of 29.5% and 27.3% compared to investments in power generation facilities, making it difficult to lower the cost of power generation. However, coal generation has structural problems in terms of greenhouse gas, fine dust. On the other hand, natural gas generation is relatively low and even though it is safe, it is difficult to secure economic feasibility as it is bound by a peak power system. Therefore, it is only possible to achieve balanced development of energy sources when there is a change in the development policy.

본 연구에서는 최근 4년간(2015년~2018년)의 하절기 기간(6월~8월)에 생산한 발전량 및 발전설비용량 데이터를 기반으로 천연가스, 석탄, 원자력, 신재생에너지 상호간의 가동률에 대해 비교 분석한 것이다. 기저발전을 담당하는 원자력 발전과 석탄 발전은 발전설비용량에 비해 실제로 생산한 발전량이 60% 정도로 높게 유지되었기 때문에 경제성을 확보한 것이다. 반면에 천연가스 발전과 신재생에너지 발전은 발전설비 투자 대비 실제 가동률이 29.5%와 27.3%로 대단히 낮아 발전원가를 낮추기 어려운 구조이다. 그러나 석탄 발전은 온실가스와 미세먼지 발생량 측면에서 구조적인 문제점을 갖고 있다. 반면에 천연가스 발전은 상대적으로 온실가스 발생량이 적고 안전해도 첨두발전 체계에 묶여 경제성을 확보하기 어려운 구조이다. 따라서 발전정책의 변화가 있어야 에너지원간의 균형발전이 가능할 것으로 예상된다.


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Fig. 1. Capacity of power generation facilities by energy sources in summer season during the last four years, MW.

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Fig. 2. Power generation by energy sources in summer season during the last four years, MW.

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Fig. 3. Ratio of actual power generation capacity by energy sources compared to total power generation capacity in summer season during the last four years, %.

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Fig. 4. Ratio of actual power generation by energy sources compared to total power generation in summer season during the last four years, %.

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Fig. 5. Ratio of total power generation produced over the past four years(2015-2018) compared to total power generation facilities represented by energy sources in summer season, %.


  1. KEPCO, "The Monthly Report on Major Electric Power Statistics", No. 446, (2015.12)
  2. KEPCO, "The Monthly Report on Major Electric Power Statistics", No. 458, (2016.12)
  3. KEPCO, "The Monthly Report on Major Electric Power Statistics", No. 470, (2017.12)
  4. KEPCO, "The Monthly Report on Major Electric Power Statistics", No. 478, (2018.10)
  5. Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, "The 8th Basic Plan for Electric Power Supply", (2017.12)