영월 하송리 출토 금속유물 보존처리 및 제작기법 연구

Production Techniques for the Metal Artifacts Excavated in Hasong-ri, Yeongwol and Their Conservation Treatment

  • 이병훈 (강원문화재연구소 보존과학팀) ;
  • 고형순 (강원문화재연구소 보존과학팀) ;
  • 김수기 (용인대학교 문화재학과)
  • Lee, Byeong Hoon (Conservation Science Team, Gangwon Research Institute of Cultural Properties) ;
  • Go, Hyeong Sun (Conservation Science Team, Gangwon Research Institute of Cultural Properties) ;
  • Kim, Soo-Ki (Department of Cultural Properties, Yongin University)
  • 투고 : 2019.04.05
  • 심사 : 2019.05.10
  • 발행 : 2019.05.31


본 연구는 강원도 영월 하송리 유적에서 출토된 금속유물의 보존처리 과정과 표면성분분석 결과를 제시하였다. 금동소형풍탁 1점, 풍설 2점, 호리병 형태 소형 청동병 1점을 대상으로 XRF를 이용한 표면 성분분석을 진행하였고, 호리병 형태 소형청동병은 X-ray를 통한 내부구조관찰을 실시하였다. 금동소형풍탁과 풍설은 같은 위치에서 출토되었으나, 금동소형풍탁은 도금층이 확인되는데 반해, 풍설은 부식층이 표면에 고착되어 가시적으로 확인되지 않았다. 분석결과 금동소형풍탁은 Cu-Sn-Pb 3원계 합금 청동소지에 Au를 수은 아말감으로 도금하여 제작하였음을 확인하였다. 풍설은 소지가 구리이며, 소량의 금성분이 검출되었다, 호리병 형태 소형 청동병은 형태적으로 비슷한 고려시대 화폐인 은병(銀甁)인지 여부를 확인하고자 표면 성분분석과 함께 X-ray 촬영을 실시하였다. X-ray 촬영 결과 저부의 가운데 부분에 작은 구멍을 막았던 것으로 보이는 흔적이 확인되었으며, 전체적인 표면분석 결과에서는 은이 검출되지 않아 은병이 아닌 청동유물임을 알 수 있었다.

This study describes the processes undertaken for the conservation treatment of metal artifacts excavated in Hasong-ri, Yeongwol, Gangwon-do and the results of the related surface composition analysis. X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) was applied to analyze the surface composition of a small gilt-bronze wind chime, two clappers, and a small gourd-shaped bronze bottle. The gourd-shaped bronze bottle was investigated using radiography to examine its internal structure. The wind chime and clappers were excavated from the same location. A gilt layer was identified on the wind chime, but surface corrosion made it difficult to identify any such layers on the clappers. The element analysis revealed that the wind chime was made of bronze in a Cu-Sn-Pb ternary system and was gilt-plated using mercury amalgam. The clappers were made from copper with a small amount of gold detected, but did not show any evidence of mercury. Since a thick corrosion layer was affixed to the surface of each clapper, it was impossible to identify the surface composition and determine if the clappers had been gilded. It is possible that the gold detected from the clappers was a foreign substance or had detached from the giltbronze wind chime buried alongside them. The small gourd-shaped bronze bottle was investigated through surface element analysis and radiography to verify if it was a type of silver bottle used as currency during the Goryeo dynasty. The radiography photography identified that a small hole in the middle of the base had been stopped up. The general surface analysis did not detect silver, which suggests that the bottle was made of bronze instead and was not one of the silver bottles used as a means of currency.



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