Dyeing and Fastness Properties of Oxidation Dyes on PET Woven Fabric

산화 염료를 이용한 폴리에스터 직물의 염색 및 견뢰도 특성

  • Lee, Jong Min (Department of Fiber System Engineering, Dankook University) ;
  • Lee, Jung Jin (Department of Fiber System Engineering, Dankook University)
  • 이종민 (단국대학교 파이버시스템공학과) ;
  • 이정진 (단국대학교 파이버시스템공학과)
  • Received : 2019.02.21
  • Accepted : 2019.04.03
  • Published : 2019.04.30


Oxidation dyes are widely used as permanent hair dyes owing to their long-lasting effects. The dyes are prepared by the oxidation and addition reactions of dye intermediates. Owing to their small size in comparison with other classes of dyes, the dye intermediates can easily penetrate into hair (or fibers), where they convert into oxidation dyes during the dyeing process. In this study, three oxidation dye intermediates (p-phenylenediamine, o-phenylenediamine, and N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine) were applied for the dyeing of a PET woven fabric. The color yields (K/S values) of the oxidation dyes on the PET fabric were found to be highly dependent on the dyeing temperature, dyeing pH, and concentration of hydrogen peroxide. The oxidation dyes exhibited a good build-up property on the PET fabric at high temperature dyeing ($110-130^{\circ}C$, 30 min), but demonstrated poor build-up at low temperature dyeing ($40^{\circ}C$, 12 h). The dyed PET fabric exhibited gray, red, brown, and pink hues. Wash fastness of the PET fabric dyed with oxidation dyes were moderate to good. Lightfastness was moderate for Oxi_dyes 1 (from p-phenylenediamine) and 3 (from N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine) and very poor for Oxi_dye 2 (from o-phenylenediamine).



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