Fig. 1. Conceptual design of DBD; (a) Borehole and casing design in USA (SNL, 2011), and (b) Borehole design in Sweden (MKG, 2006)
Fig. 1. Conceptual design of DBD; (a) Borehole and casing design in USA (SNL, 2011), and (b) Borehole design in Sweden (MKG, 2006) (Continued)
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of borehole and casing design in Germany; (a) Geological condition, and (b) Casing design of KTB borehole (Bracke et al., 2017)
Fig. 3. Conceptual design of DBC-R (Bracke el al., 2017)
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram for disposal sequence (SNL, 2011)
Fig. 5. Conceptual design of sealing; (a) Sealing design in USA (SNL, 2011), and (b) Sealing design in Germany (Bracke et al., 2017)
Fig. 5. Conceptual design of sealing; (a) Sealing design in USA (SNL, 2011), and (b) Sealing design in Germany (Bracke et al., 2017) (Continued)
Table 1. Specification of borehole and casing design in USA (SNL, 2011)
Table 2. Possible scenarios for DBD design
Table 3. Canister design plan for each DBD scenario
Table 4. Simulation results about disposal area according to each scenario
Table 5. Deep borehole cases in overseas
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