Evaluation of Average Shear-wave Velocity Estimation Methods of Multi-layered Strata Considering Site Period

지반주기를 고려한 다층지반의 평균전단파속도 추정 방법 평가

  • Kim, Dong-Kwan (Department of Architectural Engineering, Cheongju University)
  • 김동관 (청주대학교 건축공학과)
  • Received : 2019.01.14
  • Accepted : 2019.04.10
  • Published : 2019.05.01


To calculate proper seismic design load and seismic design category, the exact site class for construction site is required. At present, the average shear-wave velocity for multi-layer soil deposits is calculated by the sum of shear-wave velocities without considering of vertical relationship of the strata. In this study, the transfer function for the multi-layered soil deposits was reviewed on the basis of the wave propagation theory. Also, the transfer function was accurately verified by the finite element model and the eigenvalue analysis. Three methods for site period estimation were evaluated. The sum of shear-wave velocities underestimated the average shear-wave velocities of 526 strata with large deviations. The equation of Mexican code overestimated the average shear-wave velocities. The equation of Japanese code well estimated the average shear-wave velocities with small deviation.



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