Hysteresis characterization and identification of the normalized Bouc-Wen model

  • Li, Zongjing (School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University) ;
  • Shu, Ganping (School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.17
  • 심사 : 2019.02.20
  • 발행 : 2019.04.25


By normalizing the internal hysteresis variable and eliminating the redundant parameter, the normalized Bouc-Wen model is considered to be an improved and more reasonable form of the Bouc-Wen model. In order to facilitate application and further research of the normalized Bouc-Wen model, some key aspects of the model need to be uncovered. In this paper, hysteresis characterization of the normalized Bouc-Wen model is first studied with respect to the model parameters, which reveals the influence of each model parameter to the shape of the hysteresis loops. The parameter identification scheme is then proposed based on an improved genetic algorithm (IGA), and verified by experimental test data. It is proved that the proposed method can be an efficacious tool for identification of the model parameters by matching the reconstructed hysteresis loops with the target hysteresis loops. Meanwhile, the IGA is shown to outperform the standard GA. Finally, a simplified identification method is proposed based on parameter sensitivity, which indicates that the efficiency of the identification process can be greatly enhanced while maintaining comparable accuracy if the low-sensitivity parameters are reasonably restricted to narrower ranges.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : Central Universities


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