Analysis of Streamflow Characteristics of Boryeong-dam Watershed using Global Optimization Technique by Infiltraion Methods of CAT

CAT 모형의 침투해석방법별 전역최적화기법을 이용한 보령댐 유역의 유출 특성 변화 분석

  • Park, Sanghyun (Smart City and Construction Engineering, University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Kim, Hyeonjun (Smart City and Construction Engineering, University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Jang, Cheolhee (Department of Land, Water and Environment Research, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology)
  • 박상현 (과학기술연합대학원대학교) ;
  • 김현준 (과학기술연합대학원대학교) ;
  • 장철희 (한국건설기술연구원)
  • Received : 2018.11.20
  • Accepted : 2019.02.01
  • Published : 2019.02.28


In this study, the changes of the streamflow characteristics of the watershed were analysed depending on the infiltration methods of CAT. The study area, Boryeong-dam watershed located in Chungcheongnam-do area, has been suffered from severe drought in recent years and stabilized regarding on the storage rate through efforts such as constructing a channel connecting the upstream of Boryeong-dam from the downstream of the Geum river. In this study, the effects of soil infiltration parameters on the watershed streamflow characteristics were analyzed by the infiltration methods of CAT such as Rainfall Excess, Green&Ampt and Horton. And the parameter calibrations were conducted by SCEUA-P, a global optimization technique module of the PEST, the package for parameter optimization and uncertainty analysis, to compare the yearly variations of soil parameters for infiltration methods of CAT. In addition, the streamflow characteristics were analyzed for three infiltration methods by applying three different scenarios, such as applying calibrated parameters for every years to simulate the model for each years, applying calibrated parameters for the entire period to simulate the model for entire period, and applying the average value of yearly calibrated parameters to simulate the model for entire period.

본 연구에서는 물리적 매개변수 기반의 물 순환 해석 모형인 CAT(Catchment hydrologic cycle Assessment Tool)의 침투해석 방법별 유역 유출 특성의 변화를 분석하였다. 연구대상 유역은 충남지역에 위치한 보령댐 유역으로 최근 몇 년간 심각한 가뭄으로 인해 피해를 입은 바 있으며 금강 하류에서 보령댐 상류를 잇는 도수로를 설치하는 등의 노력을 통하여 현재는 안정을 찾은 상태이다. 이상 기후로 인해 발생하는 잦은 가뭄에 대응하기 위해서 는 유역 내 수문 환경 특성 인자들의 상호작용 규명을 통한 정도 높은 물 순환 해석이 필수적이다. 본 연구에서는 토양 침투 관련 매개변수가 유역 유출 특성에 미치는 영향을 CAT에서 제공하는 Rainfall Excess, Green&Ampt 및 Horton 등의 침투 해석 방법별로 분석하였으며 각 침투해석 방법별 토양 관련 주요 매개변수들의 연도별 변동을 비교하기 위해 CAT과 연계된 매개변수 최적화 및 불확실성 분석 패키지인 PEST(Model-Independent Parameter ESTimation) 내의 전역최적화기법(SCEUA-P)을 이용하여 매개변수 보정을 실시하였다. 또한 매개변수 최적화 수행 시에 각 연도별로 최적화한 결과를 매년 적용하는 경우와 전체 모의기간에 대해 최적화한 결과를 전 기간에 적용하는 경우, 그리고 각 연도별 최적화한 결과의 평균값을 전체 모의기간에 적용하는 세 가지 경우에 대한 유출 특성의 변화를 침투 해석 방법별로 비교 및 분석하였다.


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Fig. 1. Boryeong-dam watershed

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Fig. 2. CAT system configuration by infiltration methods

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Fig. 3. Water balance of Boryeong-dam watershed

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Fig. 4. CAT simulation for 2000-2004 of SIM_(1)

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Fig. 5. CAT simulation for 2005-2009 of SIM_(1)

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Fig. 6. CAT simulation for 2010-2014 of SIM_(1)

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Fig. 7. CAT simulation for 2015-2017 of SIM_(1)

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Fig. 8. Yearly variations of calibrated parameters (a) Rainfall Excess method before applying average value of θs (b) Green&Ampt method (c) Horton mothod (d) Rainfall Excess method after applying average value of θs

Table 1. Selected sensitive parameters for each infiltration methods

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Table 2. Scenarios depending on the period of calibration and verification

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Table 3. Results of Rainfall Excess infiltration method before calibration

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Table 4. Results of Green&Ampt infiltration method before calibration

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Table 5. Results of Horton infiltration method before calibration

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Table 6. Results of Rainfall Excess infiltration method after calibration

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Table 7. Results of Green&Ampt infiltration method after calibration

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Table 8. Results of Horton infiltration method after calibration

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Table 9. Results of scenarios depending on the period of calibration and verification (a) SIM_(1) (b) SIM_(2) (c) SIM_(3)

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