윤활유가 침지된 나노구조 전기아연도금층의 젖음성

Wettability of Lubricant-Impregnated Electroplated Zinc Surface with Nanostructure

  • 정해창 (부경대학교 금속공학과) ;
  • 김왕렬 (한국생산기술연구원) ;
  • 정찬영 (동의대학교 신소재공학과) ;
  • 이정훈 (부경대학교 금속공학과)
  • Jung, Haechang (Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kim, Wang Ryeol (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)) ;
  • Jeong, Chanyoung (Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Dong-Eui University) ;
  • Lee, Junghoon (Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Pukyong National University)
  • 투고 : 2019.01.22
  • 심사 : 2019.02.25
  • 발행 : 2019.02.28


Electrodeposited zinc layer is widely used as a sacrificial anode for a corrosion protection of steel. In this study, we modified the surface of electrodeposited zinc to have a hydrophobicity, which shows various advanced functionalities, such as anti-corrosion, anti-biofouling, anti-icing and self-cleaning, due to its repellency to liquids. Superhydrophobicity was realized on electrodeposited zinc layer with a hydrothermal treatment, creating nanostructures on the surface, and following Teflon coating. The superhydrophobic surface shows a great repellency to water with high surface tension, while liquid droplets with low surface tension easily adhered on the superhydrophobic surface. However, immiscible lubricant-impregnated superhydrophobic surface shows a great repellency to various liquids, regardless of their surface tension. Therefore, it is expected that the lubricant-impregnated surface can be an alternative of superhydrophobic surface, which have a drawback for some liquids with a low surface tension.


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Fig. 1. SEM Images of (a) electrodeposited zinc surface and (b) electrodeposited zinc surface with a hydrothermal (boiling) treatment at (i) low and (ii) high magnifications.

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Fig. 2. Images of (a) water, (b) ethylene glycol and (c) hexadecane droplets on (i) electrodeposited zinc (Zn), (ii) with Teflon coating (Zn-T), (iii) with hydrothermal treatment and Teflon coating (Zn-H-T) and with hydrothermal treatment, Teflon coating and oil-impregnation (Zn-H-T-O). (d) Summarized static contact angles as a function of surface tension of liquids. White scale bars in (a)-(c) indicate 1 mm.

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Fig. 3. Schematic cross-sectional images of liquid droplets on surfaces.

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Fig. 4. Images of (a) water, (b) ethylene glycol and (c) hexadecane droplets on (i) electrodeposited zinc (Zn), (ii) with Teflon coating (Zn-T), (iii) with hydrothermal treatment and Teflon coating (Zn-H-T) and with hydrothermal treatment, Teflon coating and oil-impregnation (Zn-H-T-O). Left and right images indicate the liquid droplet during the measurements of advancing and receding contact angle, respectively. (d) Summarized receding contact angles and (e) contact angle hysteresis as a function of surface tension of liquids. White scale bars in (a)-(c) indicate 1 mm.

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Fig. 5. Images of water, ethylene glycol and hexadecane droplets on tilted electrodeposited zinc (Zn), zinc with Teflon coating (Zn-T), zinc with hydrothermal treatment and Teflon coating (Zn-H-T) and zinc with hydrothermal treatment, Teflon coating and oil-impregnation (Zn-H-T-O). Black scale bars indicate 1 mm.


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