Fig. 1. KNIME workflow for logistic regression model development
Fig. 2. KNIME Workflow for Decision Tree model development
Fig. 3. Severity-adjusted mortality rate model for AMI patients using desicion tree
Fig. 4. KNIME workflow for neural network model development
Fig. 5. KNIME workflow for support vector machine model development
Table 1. General characteristics of acute stroke inpatients
Table 2. Distribution of CCI
Table 3. Distribution of CCI
Table 4. Distribution of comorbidity disease by ECI
Table 5. Distribution of comorbidity disease by CCS category
Table 6. Logistic regression model assessment using AUC
Table 7. Severity-adjusted mortality rate model for acute stroke patients using logistic regression
Table 8. Decision tree model assessment using AUC
Table 9. Neural network model assessment using AUC
Table 10. Support vector machine model assessment using AUC
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