• Dube, Themba (Department of Mathematics Sciences University of South Africa)
  • Received : 2018.04.26
  • Accepted : 2018.05.11
  • Published : 2019.03.01


An ideal of a commutative ring is called a d-ideal if it contains the annihilator of the annihilator of each of its elements. Denote by DId(A) the lattice of d-ideals of a ring A. We prove that, as in the case of f-rings, DId(A) is an algebraic frame. Call a ring homomorphism "compatible" if it maps equally annihilated elements in its domain to equally annihilated elements in the codomain. Denote by $SdRng_c$ the category whose objects are rings in which the sum of two d-ideals is a d-ideal, and whose morphisms are compatible ring homomorphisms. We show that $DId:\;SdRng_c{\rightarrow}CohFrm$ is a functor (CohFrm is the category of coherent frames with coherent maps), and we construct a natural transformation $RId{\rightarrow}DId$, in a most natural way, where RId is the functor that sends a ring to its frame of radical ideals. We prove that a ring A is a Baer ring if and only if it belongs to the category $SdRng_c$ and DId(A) is isomorphic to the frame of ideals of the Boolean algebra of idempotents of A. We end by showing that the category $SdRng_c$ has finite products.



Supported by : National Research Foundation of South Africa


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