An Analysis of the Scientific Problem Solving Strategies according to Knowledge Levels of the Gifted Students

영재학생들의 지식수준에 따른 과학적 문제해결 전략 분석

  • Received : 2018.12.07
  • Accepted : 2019.01.21
  • Published : 2019.02.28


The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of problem solving strategies that gifted students use in science inquiry problem. The subjects of the study are the notes and presentation materials that the 15 team of elementary and junior high school students have solved the problem. They are a team consisting of 27 elementary gifted and 29 middle gifted children who voluntarily selected topics related to dimple among the various inquiry themes. The analysis data are the observations of the subjects' inquiry process, the notes recorded in the inquiry process, and the results of the presentations. In this process, the knowledge related to dimple is classified into the declarative knowledge level and the process knowledge level, and the strategies used by the gifted students are divided into general strategy and supplementary strategy. The results of this study are as follows. First, as a result of categorizing gifted students into knowledge level, six types of AA, AB, BA, BB, BC, and CB were found among the 9 types of knowledge level. Therefore, gifted students did not have a high declarative knowledge level (AC type) or very low level of procedural knowledge level (CA type). Second, the general strategy that gifted students used to solve the dimple problem was using deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, finding the rule, solving the problem in reverse, building similar problems, and guessing & reviewing strategies. The supplementary strategies used to solve the dimple problem was finding clues, recording important information, using tables and graphs, making tools, using pictures, and thinking experiment strategies. Third, the higher the knowledge level of gifted students, the more common type of strategies they use. In the case of supplementary strategy, it was not related to each type according to knowledge level. Knowledge-based learning related to problem situations can be helpful in understanding, interpreting, and representing problems. In a new problem situation, more problem solving strategies can be used to solve problems in various ways.


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Fig. 1. Example of declarative knowledge case.

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Fig. 2. Example of deductive reasoning strategies.

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Fig. 3. Example of inductive reasoning strategies.

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Fig. 4. Example of adoption strategies for specific information.

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Fig. 6. Example of strategy to find rules.

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Fig. 7. Example of strategy of solving the problem in reverse.

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Fig. 8. Example of guessing & review strategies.

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Fig. 9. Example of strategy to build similarity problems.

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Fig. 10. Example of clue finding strategy.

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Fig. 11. Example of important information recording strategy.

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Fig. 12. Example of strategies for using tables and graphs by elementary students.

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Fig. 14. Example of tool making strategy.

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Fig. 15. Example of picture usage strategy.

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Fig. 16. Example of thinking experiment strategy.

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Fig. 5. Example of removal strategy.

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Fig. 13. Example of strategies for using tables and graphs by secondary students.

Table 1. Team composition and grade

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Table 2. Declarative knowledge level analysis framework

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Table 3. Procedural knowledge level analysis framework

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Table 4. Problem solving strategies analysis framework

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Table 5. The type of gifted students according to the level of declarative and procedural knowledge

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Table 6. General strategies by team according to knowledge level

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Table 7. Supplementary strategies by team according to knowledge level

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