A common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) was presented with inability to stand and fly at Chungnam Wild Animal Rescue Center. The kestrel showed non-weight bearing ambulation on both legs and crepitation with no external wound. Radiographs revealed a fracture on mid-diaphysis of right tibiotarsus and a distal end fracture of left femur. Intramedullary pinning was chosen for reduction of both fractures. The right tibiotarsal fracture was corrected first, and left femur was repaired 5 days later. The kestrel was managed with a specially designed sling to prevent further iatrogenic damage for 2 weeks. Three weeks after the surgery, the kestrel was able to stand and found to perch in 4 weeks. On 5 weeks, The kestrel could fly free at outdoor aviary and was released through rehabilitation for 3 months finally.