전자파 잔향실 기반 EMC 측정 연구개발 동향

  • 발행 : 2019.01.31




  1. H. A. Mendes, "A new approach to electromagnetic field strength measurements in shielded enclosures", Wescon Technical Papers, Western Electronic Show and Convention, Los Angeles, Aug. 1968.
  2. M. L. Crawford, G. H. Koepke, "Design, evaluation, and use of a reverberation chamber for performing electromagnetic susceptibility/vulnerability measurements", NBS Technical Note 1092, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Co, Apr. 1986.
  3. D. A Hill, "Electromagnetic theory of reverberation chamber", NIST Technical Note 1506, NIST, US Dept. of Commerce, Technology Administration, 1998.
  4. D. A. Hill, Electromagnetic Fields in Cavities, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009.
  5. S. J. Boyes, Yi Huang, Reverberation Chambers - Theory and Applications to EMC and Antenna Measurements, Wiley, 2016.
  6. Chalmers Univ. of Technology, www.chalmers.se.
  7. Marche Polytechnic University, www.univpm.it.
  8. Bluetest, www.bluetest.se.
  9. EMITE, www.emite-ing.com.
  10. 일본 정보통신연구기구(National Insitut of Information and Communications Technology: NICT) www.nict.go.jp.
  11. IEC61000-4-21, 'Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Part 4-21: Testing and measurement techniques - Reverberation Chamber test methods', Ed.1.0 2003.
  12. S. I. Kwak, J.-H. Hwang, D.-U. Sim, J. H. Kwon, and M. Kim, "Antenna diversity method for emission measurements in a reverberation chamber", 2018 Joint IEEE EMC & APEMC Symposium, pp. 26, May, 2018.
  13. S. I. Kwak, J.-H. Hwang, D.-U. Sim, and J. H. Kwon, "Immunity tests in a reverberation chamber using a correction factor", 2018 Joint IEEE EMC & APEMC Symposium, pp. 70, May, 2018.