왕자영요(王者?耀)게임에 관한 분석 연구

  • 해동군 (배재대학교 게임공학과) ;
  • 김수균 (배재대학교 게임공학과)
  • Published : 2019.12.31




  1. Jang Young Beom. (http://www.techleader.net)
  2. 펜타스톰, (http://www.netmarble.net/mobile/penta)
  3. 넷마블, (http://www.netmarble.net/)
  4. King of Glory Statistics Company, https://www.appannie.com/apps/ios/app/wang-zhe-rong-yao-quan-qiu-shou-kuan-5v5ying-xiong-gong-ping-dui-zhan-shou-you/details/?queries=(__common__:(filters:(country_code:(equal:US),date:(between:!(%272019-08-28%27,%272019-11-25%27)))))
  5. 유니티 엔진, (https://unity.com/kr)
  6. 바이두, (https://www.baidu.com/)
  7. Yang, P., Harrison, B. E., & Roberts, D. L., "Identifying patterns in combat that are predictive of success in MOBA games", Proceedings of the Foundations of Digital Games 2014 Conference (FDG 14), 2014