Portable Energy Storage System for DC House and Emergency Response in Indonesia

  • Hudaya, Chairul (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia) ;
  • Aryani, Dwi Riana (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia) ;
  • Heatubun, Yosca Rose Anggita (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia) ;
  • Taufiqurahman, Wahyu (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia) ;
  • Verdianto, Ariono (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia) ;
  • Garniwa, Iwa (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia) ;
  • Sung, Yung-Eun (School of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 2019.02.22
  • Accepted : 2019.06.14
  • Published : 2019.06.20


One of main problems in developing electricity grid for archipelago country like Indonesia is the geographical concerns as it consists of many islands. In some rural areas, electricity has not been available yet due to the limited infrastructure access, leading to high investment cost. In this study, a portable energy storage system based on the lithium-ion batteries called Tabung Listrik or TaLis (DC-based power bank) and DC house system were proposed as the solution for providing electricity for rural areas with relatively lower cost. TaLis is designed to be portable so it is easy to carry around as well as it can be used for many purposes. Since 2017, TaLis prototype has been used as the energy storage in a DC house system at Sekolah Master Indonesia, where an array of PV rooftop is functioned as the main DC power supply. Besides, some TaLis were also dispatched for emergency response during the disaster situations in Indonesia, such as during the measles outbreak in Asmat-Papua, the earthquake disaster in Lombok and tsunami in Palu.



This study was supported by USAID through Sustainable Higher Education Research Alliances (SHERA) Project for Universitas Indonesia's SMART CITY Center for Collaborative Research and Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education through Hibah Konsorsium Riset Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi 2018 entitled Pengembangan DC Power House Berbasis Sumber Energi Baru Terbarukan (No.5472/UN2.R3.1/HKP05.00/2018). Y-ES acknowledges the support by World Class Professor Program funded by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in Indonesia.