The Development of an ADDIE Based Instructional Model for ELT in Early Childhood Education

  • Received : 2019.02.16
  • Accepted : 2019.04.15
  • Published : 2019.04.30


The core purpose of the study is to develop and validate an ADDIE model based instructional model for English Language Teaching (ELT) in early childhood classroom in Bangladesh as an aid to teachers to reconstruct their knowledge and experience more strategically, and for them to design and implement their instruction more structurally. This study is developmental in nature which has been divided in five phases as follows. Phase I: Existing methods and instructional strategy review, Phase II: Instructional model development, Phase III: Delphi 1st round, Phase IV: Delphi 2nd round and Phase V: Model validation. After reviewing relevant literature and existing strategy in phase I, the 1st version of instructional model is made phase II. Next in phase III and phase IV, two rounds of Delphi have been conducted where experts related to different concerning areas of this study reviewed the 1st version and gradually the final version of the instructional model is made. Finally, the instructional model for English teachers of early childhood classroom in Bangladesh got validated by the same Delphi panelists in Phase V. In respect with each phases of ADDIE, the instructional model elaborates the 1) representative key points, 2) instructors' activities prescribed for the instructors, 3) supporting strategies. Both the conceptual and procedural models are included in this study for clearer identification of the whole process. Lastly the study provides some recommendations for instructors and practitioners on choosing the instructional model like doing prior need analysis, incorporating teacher training programs, training students, keeping on researching for finding effective teaching technique and tools and being open to changes etc. In addition, the study also acknowledges its limitations like not being able to consider the psychological factors due to time limitation. Finally, at the end the study points out the areas that welcome further research.



This work was supported by the Dong-A University research fund.


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