Applying design thinking to the educational problems: A student-centered instructional approach and practice in an undergraduate course

  • Received : 2019.04.05
  • Accepted : 2019.04.27
  • Published : 2019.04.30


The aim of this study is to provide the values and descriptive implications of the Design Thinking (DT) method into the context of educational problems of practice in an undergraduate course. To achieve the research objective, both quantitative and qualitative studies were conducted. For the qualitative study, the student's productions and reflections on the experience of the application of the DT into educational problems were analyzed. For the quantitative research, one-group pre and post-test were designed to validate the effectiveness of the DT method into educational contexts in terms of creativity level to measure the student's Creativity Potential and Practiced Creativity, Academic Self-Efficacy Scale, and Problem-Solving Inventory. This study validated that the DT method had a statistically significant influence on those three competencies and also illustrated the detailed process from a qualitative viewpoint. The results and implications reflect the potential of the DT approach with the educational problem of practice, especially, in the ill-structured problem-solving contexts for student-centered instructional setting.



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