A study on the development method of the domestic sewing industry for the re-vitalization of K-fashion

K-패션 활성화를 위한 국내 패션봉제산업의 발전 방향성 제고

  • Kim, Hee-Sun (Dept. of Fashion Design, Hanyang Women's University) ;
  • Ahn, Young-Sill (Dept. of Fashion Design, Hanyang Women's University)
  • 김희선 (한양여자대학교 패션디자인과) ;
  • 안영실 (한양여자대학교 패션디자인과)
  • Received : 2019.11.08
  • Accepted : 2019.12.13
  • Published : 2019.12.31


The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems associated with the domestic fashion sewing industry and suggest solutions for re-development. The research methods are a content analysis of literature, including articles and reports, and interviewing practitioners who are in charge of the fashion industry. The problems of the domestic fashion sewing industry are as follows. 1. Weakness in price competitiveness and a lack of work. 2. Aging of workers and difficulty securing new workers. 3. The age of the production facilities and the lack of manpower required for mass production. 4. Unrealistically low cost of labor due to over-competition considering the lack of work.5. The prevalence of illegal label grinding. The solutions to the problems listed above are as follows. 1. Establishment of a win-win effort between fashion brands and sewing companies. 2. Allow systematic education, support, and development of a meister system for fostering sewing manpower. 3. Undertake efforts to improve the sewing work environment. 4. Establishment of the system for realizing the actual cost of labor. 5. Establishment of a quota system to secure domestic sewing production. 6. Construction of Smart DB to connect work orders. 7. Construction of a smart factory using technology such as automated systems of production suitable for the 4th Industrial Age. 8. Enforcement of specialized strategies to encourage fashion sewing companies, not only Seoul but also in other urban areas.



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