Fig. 1. Structure diagram of DCS system
Fig. 2. Overview of the nuclear control system[9]
Fig. 3. Overview of industrial control system in electric power field
Fig. 4. Correlation of RTU and power system
Fig. 5. Mock correlation of RTU and power system
Table 1. Security standard from major infrastructure in the US[5]
Table 2. Examples of industrial control system infringement and corresponding threat agents and alternatives
Table 3. The properties and risks of major infrastructure
Table 4. Risk management for major infrastructure
Table 5. Matrix of risks for major infrastructure[12]
Table 6. Quantificational results for risks of major infrastructure[12]
Table 7. Quantificational results for weakness of major infrastructure[12]
Table 8. Calculation for interruption cost of power system[15]
Table 9. Results of risk estimation considering risk and weakness[12]
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