Table 1. Effect of model attributes on advertising attitude according to economic theme of CSR
Table 2. Effect of Model Attributes on Perceived Authenticity in economic theme of CSR
Table 3. Effect of model attributes on advertising attitudes according to environmental theme of CSR
Table 4. Impact of model attributes on perceived message authenticity based on CSR of environmental theme
Table 5. Effects of model attributes of entertainer model on CSR ad attitude
Table 6. Effects of model attributes of entertainer model on perceived authenticity of CSR advertisement message
Table 7. Effects of Model Attributes on Professional CSR Attitudes
Table 8. Effects of Model Attributes on Perceived Authenticity of CSR Advertisement Messages
Table 9. Effect of ad model attributes on ad attitudein case of emotional message
Table 10. Effect of advertising model attributes on perceived authenticity of ad message in emotional message
Table 11. Effect of ad model attributes on advertisingattitudes in informative messages
Table 12. Effect of ad model attributes on perceivedauthenticity of advertisement message in informative message
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