• Received : 2018.03.16
  • Accepted : 2018.10.11
  • Published : 2019.01.31


For a simple implementation, a linear convex splitting scheme was coupled with the Fourier spectral method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation with a logarithmic free energy. However, an inappropriate value of the splitting parameter of the linear scheme may lead to incorrect morphologies in the phase separation process. In order to overcome this problem, we present a nonlinear convex splitting Fourier spectral scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard equation with a logarithmic free energy, which is an appropriate extension of Eyre's idea of convex-concave decomposition of the energy functional. Using the nonlinear scheme, we derive a useful formula for the relation between the gradient energy coefficient and the thickness of the interfacial layer. And we present numerical simulations showing the different evolution of the solution using the linear and nonlinear schemes. The numerical results demonstrate that the nonlinear scheme is more accurate than the linear one.


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FIGURE 1. Spinodal decomposition kinetics of polycarbonateand polystyrene 50 : 50 at various times: (a) 50, (b) 100, (c)300, (d) 500, (e) 700, and (f) 1000s. Reprinted with permissionfrom [1]. Copyright (2001) American Chemical Society.

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FIGURE 2. φeq for various θ with θc = 1.

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FIGURE 3. Interfacial layer at the equilibrium state for various θ with (a) ϵ = 0.5h and (b) ϵ = h. Here, θc = 1 is used.

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FIGURE 4. Surface fitting: ϵ(θ,m) = 0.1h(4.835θ2−3.752θm+0.005m2 − 4.01θ + 4.078m+ 0.693).

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FIGURE 5. Evolution of φ(x, t) with ϵ(θ, 8) for various θ. Ineach subfigure, horizontal dashed lines represent the rangefrom φ = −0.9φeq to φ = 0.9φeq.

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FIGURE 6. C(θ, φeq) for various θ with θc = 1.

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FIGURE 7. Evolution of φ(x, y, t) using (a) the linear scheme with s = 1.0548, (b) the linear scheme with s = 115.0843, and (c) the nonlinear scheme. Here, θ = 0.8, θc = 1, and ϵ = ϵ(θ, 8) are used. The times are t = 100, 400, 700, and 1000 (from left to right).

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FIGURE 8. Evolution of φ(x, y, t) with φ= −0.3. Here, θ =0.8, θc = 1, and ϵ = ϵ(θ, 8) are used. The times are shown below each subfigure.

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FIGURE 9. Evolution of φ(x, y, t) with φ= 0. Here, θ = 0.8, θc = 1, and ϵ = ϵ(θ, 8) are used. The times are shown below each subfigure.

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FIGURE 10. Evolution of the energy with φ= −0.3 and 0.

TABLE 1. Numbers of grid points in the interfacial layer (fromφ = −0.9φeq to φ = 0.9φeq).

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TABLE 2. Values of s for various θ with θc = 1.

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