Fig. 1 Flow chart of the study
Fig. 2 10-minute interval raw water level data of the Gaeun reservoir
Fig. 3 General structure of multi-layer perceptron
Fig. 4 T dataset after data pre-process
Fig. 5 The structure of the artificial neural network model for outlier detection
Fig. 6 The results of the threshold model according to value of α
Fig. 7 Daily mean value of (a) raw data, (b) threshold data, (c) reference data after threshold model application
Fig. 8 Daily mean value of (a) raw data, (b) target data, (c) ANN data, (d) reference data after ANN model application
Fig. 9 The scatter plot of (a) raw data, (b) threshold data, (c) target data, (d) ANN data compared with reference data
Fig. 10 Daily mean value of (a) raw data, (b) threshold data, (c) ANN data, (d) reference data (2016. 01. 01.~2016. 12. 31.)
Table 1 Properties of the Gaeun reservoir
Table 2 Properties of water level data
Table 3 Input data of the artificial neural network model for outlier detection
Table 4 The errors by input data in application of the artificial neural network model for outlier detection
Table 5 The statistical parameters (R2, MAE, RMSE) compared to reference data
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