Fig. 1 Location of the study watershed
Fig. 2 The DEM for the study watersheds
Fig. 3 The land cover for the study watersheds
Fig. 4 Comparison of the observed with the simulated runoff and water qualities for the calibration period
Fig. 5 Comparison of the observed with the simulated runoff and water qualities for the validation period
Fig. 6 Scatter plots of the observed and simulated runoff and water qualities
Fig. 7 Relationship between (Q/A) and DR at study watershed
Fig. 8 Relationship between DR and DR_MR at study watershed
Table 1 Land use of the study watershed
Table 2 Weather input data of HSPF model
Table 3 Calibrated parameter values for the HSPF model simulation
Table 4 Statistics of the HSPF model performances for calibration and validation period
Table 5 Delivery Ratio using HSPF
Table 6 Regression coefficients of multi-regression analysis using MATLAB
Table 7 Result of multi-regression analysis using MATLAB
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