In this study, the author observed the fungal characteristics of T. verrucosum which is commonly known as the cattle ringworm fungus in the farms of Hoengseong, Gangwon-do. After isolating 20 strains of T. verrucosum from cattle, they were cultured on SDA, PDA media and the fungal characteristics were concluded through visual observation of the colonies, microscopic findings, hair perforation test and urease test. The size of the colonies cultured on SDA media at 37 C was on an average 5 mm at 1 week, 33 mm at 2 weeks, 42 mm at 3 weeks and 58 mm after 4 weeks. Observing the characteristics of the colonies, 17 strains of T. album showing central bold radial folds, 2 strains of T. ochraceum having l throughout the colonies and 1 strain of T. discoides with rapid growth rate and gray-white cotton patterns were found. On microscopic observations of the cultured colonies on SDA, PDA media, macroconidia and microconidia were not found in T. verrucosum and hyphae and chlamydospore were only seen in T. album types. Out of 20 strains of T. verrucosum, hair perforation test was positive on only 3 strains and urease test was positive on all of the 20 strains.