인터넷전문은행 서비스의 한중 비교연구: 서비스의 편리성과 사회적 영향 요인을 중심으로

A Comparative Study on Direct Bank Services between South Korea and China: Putting Emphasis on Service Convenience and Social Influence

  • 주재훈 (동국대학교(경주캠퍼스) 상경대학 경영학부) ;
  • 우가인 (동국대학교 대학원 테크노경영협동과정)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.13
  • 심사 : 2019.02.11
  • 발행 : 2019.03.31


Purpose The purpose of the present study is to analyze the factors influencing the intention to use direct bank continuously from the perspective of service rather than technology. Hygiene factors including economic benefits, privacy, and unverified risks, and convenience of service as a motivator were considered as user's satisfaction. A research model integrating the relationships among user's satisfaction, its determinants, social influence, and continuous intention to use direct banks was proposed. Design/methodology/approach Structural equation modelling for validating the research model was employed. 253 valid data were collected from users of direct bank service in South Korea and China, and used to test six hypotheses. Findings User's satisfaction and social influence were determinants of continuous use intention of direct bank. Convenience of service as a motivator has a significant influence on service satisfaction, while economic benefits, privacy, and unverified risks as hygiene factors have no significant influence on the continuous intention. Managers of direct banks need to implement service differentiation strategies to gain customers' loyalty. Also they seek to find the determinants of social influence. The present study confirmed that there is a big difference between Korea and China in terms of factors affecting the continuous intention to use direct bank.


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<그림 1> 연구모형

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<그림 2> 구조방정식 모델의 분석결과

<표 1> 한중 인터넷전문은행 서비스 특성의 비교

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<표 2> 인터넷전문은행에 관한 선행연구

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<표 3> 변수의 조작적 정의

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<표 4> 설문항목

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<표 5> 표본의 일반적 특성(n=253)

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<표 6> 신뢰성과 타당성

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<표 7> Heterotrait- Monotrait Ratio

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<표 8> 경로계수와 연구가설 검정

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<표 9> 국가별 차이 분석

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