Effects of Implementation and Application of Realistic Digital Contents

  • Han, Ji-Woo (Department of nurse, Kyungdong University)
  • 투고 : 2019.02.11
  • 심사 : 2019.02.22
  • 발행 : 2019.03.31


This study aims to explore the understanding of and the interest in realistic digital contents and examine their effectiveness, by implementing and applying VR around the science subject in middle schools. It organized each group of two for cooperative activities, in order to implement VR for 52 middle school students located at Y-county, who understood study contents and agreed to participate in the study. Then, it implemented and applied realistic digital contents regarding a change in the science geosphere and many kinds of forces, by extracting and designing them. As they implemented and applied VR around contents interest in science subject. VR assisted lessons made statistically significant differences in understanding and effectiveness of realistic digital contents. It will provide basic data used to cultivate future talents who can prepare for a change in the educational paradigms along with the fourth industrial revolution and adapt to the future knowledge-based society.


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Figure 1. Extraction of Realistic Digital Contents regarding Science

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Figure 2. Implementation and Application of Realistic Digital Contents

Table 1. Verification Contents and Methods

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Table 2. Change in the Subjects' Interest in Science subject(N=52)

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Table 3. Change in the Subjects' Interest in Science subject(N=52)

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Table 4. Effectiveness of Realistic Digital Contents(N=52)

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