The Effects of Professors' Transformational Leadership on the Improvement of Chinese Students' University Satisfaction: The Mediating Effects of University Identification

  • 투고 : 2019.10.24
  • 심사 : 2019.11.08
  • 발행 : 2019.12.31


The Leaders in organization play various core roles in workers' performance and organizational performance. A leader presents a vision and a direction to enable members to achieve higher performance. Especially, transformational leadership suggests members a strong vision and influences them to have identification with the organization. Based on previous researches, transformational leadership is a close connection to identification with job and organization satisfaction. This study explains the influence of the university professors' transformational leadership on students' university satisfaction and university identification. In this study, the subjects of statistical analysis are Chinese international students studying in Korea. As a result, first, professors' transformational leadership enhanced the level of students' university satisfaction. Second, university identification had a partial mediating influence on the relationship between professors' transformational leadership and students' university satisfaction. Professors' transformational leadership had an influence on the students' identification with their universities. Through this process, students become aware of identification and more satisfied with their universities. As a result of the transformational leadership of the professor, the identification and satisfaction of the international students will be improved and they will be better able to adapt to their study life and achieve high results. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the roles of transformational leadership as a necessary leadership for the successful study abroad life of Chinese students studying in Korea today.



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