VVC 화면내 예측 및 부호화 주요 기술

  • Published : 2019.10.30


VVC(Versatile Video Coding)는 국제 표준화 단체인 JVET(Joint Video Exports Team)에서 표준화가 진행되고 있는 새로운 국제 비디오 부호화 표준이다. 이 표준화에서는 기존 최신 비디오 부호화 표준인 HEVC(High Efficiency Video Coding)/H.265 대비 2배 이상의 부호화 성능을 목표로 다양한 부호화 방법들이 논의되고 있다. 본 고에서는 VVC의 새로운 부호화 모드 중 화면내 예측(intra prediction) 부호화 방법에 대해 소개한다. 화면내 예측은 현재 부호화를 진행하려는 블록의 주변에 이미 재구성된 샘플들을 참조하여 현재 블록을 예측하는 방법이다. 이 화면내 부호화 방법은 화면간 예측(inter prediction) 부호화 방법과 함께 부호화 효율 향상에 기여할 뿐만 아니라, 임의 접근(random access)을 가능하게 하고 부호화된 비트스트림의 에러 내성을 높인다. VVC는 화면내 부호화 예측 모드 종류를 최대 87개까지 확장하고 다양한 화면내 부호화 방법을 채택함으로써 기존 비디오 부호화 표준에 비해 높은 부호화 효율을 갖는다. 본 고에서는 VVC에 채택된 주요 화면내 부호화 방법들을 소개한다.



  1. A Segall, V Baroncini, J Boyce, J Chen, and T Suzuki, Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression with Capability beyond HEVC, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-H1002, Oct. 2007
  2. B. Bross, J. Chen, and S. Liu, Versatile Video Coding (Draft 6), ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-O2001, Jul. 2019
  3. Versatile Video Coding Test Model Software 6.0 https://vcgit.hhi.fraunhofer.de/jvet/VVCSoftware_VTM/tree/VTM-6.0
  4. F. Bossen, X. Li, A. Norkin, and K. Suhring, JVET AHG report: Test model software development (AHG3), ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-O0003, Jul. 2019
  5. J. Chen, Y. Ye, and S. Kim, Algorithm description for Versatile Video Coding and Test Model 6 (VTM 6), ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-O2002, Jul. 2019
  6. G. Van der Auwera, V. Seregin, A. Said, A. K. Ramasubramonian, and M. Karczewicz, CE3: Simplified PDPC (Test 2.4.1), ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-K0063, Jul. 2018
  7. J. Lee, H. Lee, S.-C. Lim, J. Kang, and H. Y. Kim, Non-CE3: Modification of PDPC, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-M0238, Jan. 2019
  8. S. De-Luxan-Hernazndez, V. George, J. Ma, T. Nguyen, H. Schwarz, D. Marpe, and T. Wiegand, CE3: Intra Sub-Partitions Coding Mode (Tests 1.1.1 and 1.1.2), ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-M0102, Jan. 2019
  9. S. De-Luxan-Hernandez, B. Bross, T. Nguyen, V. George, B. Stabernack, H. Schwarz, D. Marpe, and T. Wiegand, AHG16/Non-CE3: Restriction of the maximum CU size for ISP to 64x64, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-N0308, Mar. 2019
  10. K. Misra, A. Segall, M. Ikeda, T. Suzuki, K. Andersson, and J. Enhorn, Non-CE11: On ISP transform boundary deblocking, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-N0473, Mar. 2019
  11. S. De-Luxan-Hernandez, V. George, G. Venugopal, J. Brandenburg, B. Bross, T. Nguyen, H. Schwarz, D. Marpe, and T. Wiegand, Non-CE3: Proposed ISP cleanup, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-O0502, Jul. 2019
  12. A. K. Ramasubramonian, G. Van der Auwera, T. Hsieh, V. Seregin, L. Pham Van, M. Karczewicz (Qualcomm), S. De- Luxan Hernandez, B. Bross, T. Nguyen, V. George, B. Stabernack, H. Schwarz, D. Marpe, and T. Wiegand, CE3-1.6: On 1xN and 2xN subblocks of ISP, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-O0106, Jul. 2019
  13. A. K. Ramasubramonian, G. Van der Auwera, L. Pham Van, and M. Karczewicz, Non-CE3: DC intra prediction mode alignment, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-O0426, Jul. 2019
  14. X. Ma, H. Yang, and J. Chen, CE3: Tests of cross-component linear model in BMS1.0 (Test 4.1.8, 4.1.9, 4.1.10, 4.1.11), ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-K0190, Jul. 2018
  15. C.-M. Tsai, C.-W. Hsu, C.-Y. Chen, T.-D. Chuang, Y.-W. Huang, and S.-M. Lei, CE3.5.8: Line buffer reduction for LM chroma, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-L0085, Oct. 2018
  16. G. Laroche, J. Taquet, C. Gisquet, and P. Onno, CE3: Cross-component linear model simplification (Test 5.1), ITUT/ ISO/IEC JVET, JVET- L0191, Oct. 2018
  17. J. Choi, J. Heo, S. Yoo, L. Li, J. Choi, J. Lim, and S. Kim, CE3 : CCLM with line buffer restriction (Test 5.2.7), ITUT/ ISO/IEC JVET, JVET- L0136, Oct. 2018
  18. Y. Yasugi, F. Bossen, and E. Sasaki, Non-CE3: CCLM table reduction and bit range control, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVETM0064, Jan. 2019
  19. P. Hanhart and Y. He, CE3: Modified CCLM downsampling filter for "type-2" content (Test 2.4), ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-M0142, Jan. 2019
  20. J. Huo, Y. Ma, S. Wan, Y. Yu, M. Wang, K. Zhang, L. Zhang, H. Liu, J. Xu, Y. Wang, J. Li, S. Wang, and W. Gao, CE3-1.5: CCLM derived from four neighbouring samples, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-N0271, Mar. 2019
  21. Z. Zhang, R. Sjoberg, and R. Yu, Non-CE6: On LFNST transform set selection for a CCLM coded block, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-O0219, Jul. 2019
  22. Y. Zhao, H. Yang, C.-M. Tsai, T.-D. Chuang, C.-W. Hsu, Y.-W. Huang, and S.-M. Lei, Draft text for CCLM restriction to reduce luma-chroma latency for chroma separate tree, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-O1124, Jul. 2019
  23. J. Pfaff, B. Stallenberger, M. Schafer, P. Merkle, P. Helle, T. Hinz, H. Schwarz, D. Marpe, and T. Wiegand, CE3: Affine linear weighted intra prediction (CE3-4.1, CE3-4.2), ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-N0217, Mar. 2019
  24. J. Pfaff, P. Merkle, P. Helle, H. Schwarz, D. Marpe, T. Wiegand, A. K. Ramasubramonian, T. Biatek, G. Van der Auwera, L. Pham Van, M. Karczewicz, J. Choi, J. Heo, J. Lim, M. Salehifar, S. Kim, K. Kondo, M. Ikeda, T. Suzuki, Z. Zhang, K. Andersson, R. Sjoberg, J. Strom, P. Wennersten, T. C. Ma, X. Xiu, Y. Wen, C. H. J. Jhu, X. Wang, J. Huo, Y. Ma, S. Wan, and Y. Yu, Non-CE3: Simplifications of MIP, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-O0925, Jul. 2019
  25. Z. Zhang, R. Sjoberg, and R. Yu, Non-CE6: On LFNST transform set selection for a CCLM coded block, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-O0219, Jul. 2019
  26. K. Naser, F. Le Leannec, and T. Poirier, Non-CE6 Interaction between Implicit MTS and LFNST and MIP, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-O0529, Jul. 2019
  27. A. Filippov, V. Rufitskiy, J. Chen, G. Van der Auwera, A. K. Ramasubramonian, V. Seregin, T. Hsieh, and M. Karczewicz, CE3: A combination of tests 3.1.2 and 3.1.4 for intra reference sample interpolation filter, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVETL0628, Oct. 2018
  28. N. Choi, Y. Piao, K. Choi, and C. Kim, CE3.3 related: Intra 67 modes coding with 3MPM, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVETK0529, Jul. 2018
  29. F. Racape, G. Rath, F. Urban, L. Zhao, S. Liu, X. Zhao, X. Li, A. Filippov, V. Rufitskiy, and J. Chen, CE3-related: Wideangle intra prediction for non-square blocks, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-K0500, Jul. 2018
  30. L. Li, J. Heo, J. Choi, J. Choi, S. Yoo, and J. Lim, CE3-6.2.1: Extended MPM list, ITU-T/ISO/IEC JVET, JVET-L0165, Oct. 2018