Effects of Online Information Characteristics of Food Service Franchise on Enjoyment, Anxiety, and Visit Intention

외식프랜차이즈 기업의 온라인 정보특성이 즐거움, 불안, 방문의도에 미치는 영향

  • Received : 2019.02.08
  • Accepted : 2019.02.28
  • Published : 2019.03.10


Purpose - Generally, the consumer's decision-making process for restaurant selection is simple and familiar. However, online information becomes important because the decision-making process of consumers becomes complicated in new restaurants and special situations. Because consumers can search for information online, information retrieval is now possible in selecting new restaurants. In particular, consumers often make decisions based on online information when making restaurant reservations. Research design, data, and methodology - All items were measured based on previous studies. The data were collected from customers who had visited the store by visiting the web page of the food service franchise within the last 3 months for the panel of the online survey institute. The questionnaires were surveyed from July 2 to July 11, 2018 for about 10 days. A mail and a message were sent to 2,000 people, and 310 people were asked to complete the questionnaire. Total of 303 data were used in the questionnaire, excluding 7 insufficient data. Results - The findings of this study are as follows: Consensus, vividness, and neutrality have positive effects on enjoyment. Consensus have positive effect on anxiety, but vividness and neutrality did not have significant effect on anxiety. Also, enjoyment has a positive influence on intention to visit, and anxiety has a negative influence on visit intention. Conclusions - First, franchise companies online advertising in a variety of ways, but they are mixed with other customers' WOM and offered to consumers. In this case, the information provided by the company may be distorted. Therefore, a restaurant franchise company needs to operate an official online channel to provide accurate information to its customers. Second, it is necessary to make contents so that other customers can participate in online channels of food service franchise companies. Third, food service franchise company should produce enough online contents to experience indirectly even if the customer does not visit the store directly. Fourth, food service franchise company needs to prepare a way for many customers to participate in many official contents.



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