An Exploratory Study on the Effect of Start-up Orientation in Business Performance

  • 투고 : 2019.08.01
  • 심사 : 2019.08.22
  • 발행 : 2019.09.30


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to analyze the start-up factors in start-up tourism companies and to analyze how these factors influence business performance. This study will be conducted for the further exploratory study with in-depth research with literature reviews, interviews and surveys. Research design, data, and Methodology - The activation of entrepreneurship is very important factor as for not only the development of entrepreneurship which is the characteristic of the innovative and risks-taking for the success of the enterprise, but also the sustainable growth and creation of performance of the entrepreneur. In other words, if it is the entrepreneurial spirit affects entrepreneurship, it is entrepreneurial orientation that continuously affects entrepreneurs. In order to achieve the above purposes, this study conducted literature research and empirical studies. Result & Conclusions - The sub-factors for independent entrepreneurial variables' orientation are classified as creativity, technological, enterprising, and innovation, and subordinate variables were set of management performance. The sub-factors of the control variable government support policy are classified as financial support, consulting support, and marketing support. For the purpose of empirical analysis, this paper collects data on companies selected for tourism venture business competition and CEOs of SMEs tourism for less than 7 years.



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