The Search for Study on the Construction Process and Changes in the Landscape Plants of the Pasanseodang

'파산서당'의 영건과정과 조경식물 변화상 탐색

  • Joo, Been (Dept. of Landscape and Construction Engineering, Graduate School, Woosuk University) ;
  • Choi, Hayoung (Dept. of Landscape and Construction Engineering, Graduate School, Woosuk University) ;
  • Shin, Sangsup (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Woosuk University)
  • 주빈 (우석대학교 대학원 조경건설공학과) ;
  • 최하영 (우석대학교 대학원 조경건설공학과) ;
  • 신상섭 (우석대학교 조경학과)
  • Received : 2017.12.11
  • Accepted : 2018.02.13
  • Published : 2018.03.30


The authors of this paper aim to make a record of the construction process, its symbolic meaning, and the changes in the status of the landscape plants at the Pasanseodang according to the Report on the Pasanseodang written by Park Gyu-hyun in 1874. First, the construction of Samgahun Pavilion, which is located in Myo-ri, Habin-myun, Dalsung-gun, Daegu, took about 90 years and spanned the lifetimes of Park Sungsoo, an 11th-generation descendant of Park Paengnyun (1417~1456) through to Park Kyuhyun, a 14th-generation descendant. It was called the shape of dragon, with its head facing the tail (回龍顧尾形), in feng shui. Second, the village of Pahwoe was founded in 1769, the 45th year of the reign of King Yeongjo, by Park Sungsoo for the purpose of socializing with his friends at his thatched home, and was named after his own courtesy name (Samgahun). Park Kwangseok, the second son of Park Sungsoo, built the sarangchae in 1826 and the anchae in 1869 after his marriage (in 1783). Then, Park Kyuhyun, the grandson of Park Kwangseok, built the pond and planted it with lotus flowers, and built the Hayeopjeong in 1874. The Pasanseodang, as the precursor of the Hayeopjeong, may be related with the name of the hillside region behind Samgahun. Third, a quadrangular-shaped pond with a length of 21m and a width of 15m was also built and planted with lotus flowers. In the center of the pond is a small round island that reflects the world view of the Chosun dynasty, i.e. that the sky is round and the landmass is quadrangular. Meanwhile, the name of the Hayeopjeon reflects the value system of aristocrats who lived a life of leisure and artistic indulgence. They called the eastern room "Yeeyeonhun" (怡燕軒) and the western room "Mongyangjae" (蒙養齋), names which embody their wishes for a good life as a member of the nobility and a bright future for one's descendants. Fourth, in Confucian terms, the authors infer the points of view reflected in the kinds of trees that were planted according to Confucian norms (pine tree, lotus, bamboo), the living philosophy of sustainability (willow), the ideology of seclusion and the search for peace of mind (bamboo), and relief efforts for the poor and a life of practicality (chestnut, oak, wild walnut, lacquer). The authors assert that this way of planting trees was a highly effective design feature of landscape architecture that drew on the locational and symbolic significance of the Seodang. Fifth, the majority of the trees that were initially planted withered and were replaced with different species, except for the locust and lotus, at this point. Nevertheless, a review of the process of construction, symbolic meaning, and original architectural landscape of the Samgahun is of value in demonstrating the extended symbolic meaning of their descendants in terms of the practical loss of the function of the Seodang, the values of Feng Sui (red in the east, white in the west, based on the principles of Feng Sui), the function of repelling evils spirits (kalopanax, trifoliate orange), aesthetic and practical values (sweetbrier, apricot, pear, peach, and oriental oak trees), and the prosperity of the family and the timeless value of honest poverty (silk, crape myrtle, and yew trees).

1874년 박규현이 기술한 '파산서당기'를 중심으로 분석한 파산서당의 영건과정과 조경식물의 변화상을 추적한 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대구 달성의 하빈면 묘리 파회에 자리한 살림집 삼가헌과 별당(파산서당)은 사육신 박팽년(1417~1456)의 11대손 박성수로부터 14대손 박규현에 이르기 까지 약 90년간(1783~1874)에 걸쳐 완성되었는데, 풍수적 회룡고미형(回龍顧尾形)으로 회자되는 길처이다. 둘째, 파회마을은 박성수가 1769년(영조 45)에 벗들과 교우하기 위해 초가를 짓고 자신의 호(삼가헌(三可軒))를 당호로 삼은 것으로부터 유래하는데, 둘째아들 박광석이 분가(1783)한 후 사랑채(1826)와 안채(1869)를 지었고, 박광석의 손자 박규현이 1874년에 연을 심어 가꾼 연못과 정자(하엽정)를 추가했으며, 파산서당 명칭은 삼가헌 뒷동산 지명과 연계된다. 셋째, 네모꼴 연못은 길이 21m, 너비 15m 규모로 연꽃을 심었는데, 못 가운데 원형 섬을 두어 조선시대의 보편적인 성리학적 세계관을 반영하고 있다. 파산서당에 부가된 정자(하엽정)의 명칭, 동쪽 방 이연헌(怡燕軒), 서쪽 방 몽양재(蒙養齋) 등은 군자적 삶의 염원, 그리고 자손들의 밝은 미래를 염원하는 뜻을 담았다. 넷째, 성리학적 규범(소나무, 연꽃, 대나무), 안빈낙도의 생활철학(버드나무), 은일사상과 태평성대의 염원(대나무), 그리고 구휼목적과 실용성(밤나무, 상수리나무, 가래나무, 옻나무 등)에 비중을 둔 식재수종의 반영을 추적할 수 있는데, 이는 서당이라고 하는 장소성과 상징성, 절제미학 등을 고려한 조경법이라 하겠다. 다섯째, 조영초기 식재수종은 회화나무와 연꽃을 제외하고 대부분 고사하여 다른 수종으로 대체되었는데, 서당 기능의 상실과 풍수적 가치(홍동백서 상징수종), 벽사기능(엄나무와 탱자나무), 심미성 및 실용적 가치(해당화, 매화, 배나무, 복숭아나무, 굴참나무), 가문의 번영과 변화지 않는 청백의 삶(자귀나무, 배롱나무, 주목), 심미관 등 후손들의 확장된 작정관을 보여주는 사례이다.



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