Trends in Neuromorphic Software Platform for Deep Neural Network

딥 뉴럴 네트워크 지원을 위한 뉴로모픽 소프트웨어 플랫폼 기술 동향

  • Published : 2018.08.01


Deep neural networks (DNNs) are widely used in various domains such as speech and image recognition. DNN software frameworks such as Tensorflow and Caffe contributed to the popularity of DNN because of their easy programming environment. In addition, many companies are developing neuromorphic processing units (NPU) such as Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) and Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) to improve the performance of DNN processing. However, there is a large gap between NPUs and DNN software frameworks due to the lack of framework support for various NPUs. A bridge for the gap is a DNN software platform including DNN optimized compilers and DNN libraries. In this paper, we review the technical trends of DNN software platforms.



Grant : 인공지능 시스템을 위한 뉴로모픽 컴퓨팅 SW 플랫폼 기술 개발

Supported by : 정보통신기술진흥센터


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