Assessing the R&D Effectiveness and Business Performance: A Review of Their Mechanisms and Metrics

  • Cho, Yonghee (Department of Engineering and Technology Management, Portland State University)
  • 발행 : 2018.11.30


With the constant growth of R&D investment, it has been increasingly necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of R&D performance and there is a high emphasis on ensuring the accountability and effectiveness of R&D programs. The evaluation of performance of a firm is especially necessary in times of economic downturn to justify R&D investment. However, there is a marked shortage of clear guidelines as to where and how particular metrics are used to measure the output and outcome of R&D activity in firms. Many firms have difficulties in selecting appropriate indicators for their R&D and financial performances. To fill this gap, this article discusses and presents the findings from the literature in such a way that they become useful for researchers or managers who are in charge of measuring the R&D and business performances arising from innovation activities. Finally, based on the findings about metrics of R&D performance, this article proposes the hypothetical framework to investigate the relationship between technology forecasting, strategic technology planning, and business performance. The framework of this article will assist policy makers, universities, research institutes/national laboratories, and companies to enhance their decision making process in technology development.


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FIGURE 1. The R&D Performance as a System

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FIGURE 1. The R&D Performance as a System

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FIGURE 2. The Overview of Technology to Business Management

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FIGURE 2. The Overview of Technology to Business Management

TABLE 1. The Summary of Output Indicators from the Literature

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TABLE 1. The Summary of Output Indicators from the Literature

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TABLE 2. The Summary of Outcome Indicators from the Literature

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TABLE 2. The Summary of Outcome Indicators from the Literature

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