A Study on the dance movements of Go-sung Five-Clown Leper Drum Dance - Focusing on the variation over time -

고성오광대 문둥북춤 춤사위 연구 - 시대적 변화를 중심으로 -

  • 허창열 (한국예술종합학교 전통예술원)
  • Received : 2018.07.07
  • Accepted : 2018.08.12
  • Published : 2018.08.31


The mask dance drama Goseong Ogwangdae's first act, Mundung Bukchum. The story is about a man who was born to the upper class but contracted leprosy, an incurable disease, due to his ancestors' accumulated sin. Although he is suffering, he is able to triumph over the disease through sinmyeong (catharsis) that is expressed through the wordless act of Mundung Bukchum. This thesis focuses on Goseong Ogwangdae's Mundung Bukchum, particularly the meaning, costume, accompanying music, and process of pedagogical transmission. The chronological characteristics of Goseong Ogwangdae's Mundung Bukchum are as follows. First, as time goes on, the number of dance motions in Mundung Bukchum has increased and the motions used have become reified. Second, I address the small barrel drum used in Mundung Bukchum and check how, through the drum, the changed expression of Mundung is shown.In a 1965 video introduced Mundung is grasping the drum and stick and the dance appears to be made up only of humorous motions. Also in a 1969 video, "Mundung Gwangdae," from the start Mundung is grasping the drum and stick. In 1988 in a video we can see the same scene as today, with the drum and stick sitting in the center of the stage at the start of the dance. We can also confirm that the same fourteen dance motions used today are present. Third, we can also confirm the changes in Goseong Ogwangdae's signature motion, baegimsae as time goes on. Observing the video from 1965, baegimsae does not appear in Mundung Bukchum. In 2000 we can clearly see the baegimsae performed once to the left and to the right while Mundung is squatting. Comparing 1969 to 1988, there is no symmetry in the motions, baegimsae is not done to both left and right, but only in one direction. Watching the record from 2000, the baegimsae motion is performed just as it is now, with the body thrown forward with a sharp push off the ground. Fourth I confirmed how the music used to accompany Goseong Ogwangdae's Mundung Bukchum has changed over time. In 1965 according to records of Mundung Bukchum's appearance, the dance was accompanied by the taryeong rhythmic pattern played on the usual four percussion instruments (barrel drum, hourglass drum, large gong, small gong). In the 1969 records of Mundung Bukchum the accompanying music is gutgeori rhythmic pattern performed on the usual four percussion instruments-an obvious difference. In 1988 the music with Mundung Bukchum is gutgeori rhythmic pattern transitioning into jajinmori rhythmic pattern. In 2000 the music with Mundung Bukchum includes the percussion instruments as well as taepyeongso (double reed oboe) playing gutgeori and jajinmori rhythmic patterns.

고성오광대 제1과장 문둥북춤은 양반의 자손으로서 조상들의 죄업으로 문둥병에 걸려 고통으로 괴로워하다 신명을 통해 극복한다는 내용을 대사 없이 춤으로만 표현한다. 고성오광대 문둥북춤의 문화재 지정 이후 현재까지 변화양상을 살펴본 결과 시간이 지남에 따라 문둥북춤의 춤사위가 더 많아지고 동작이 구체화된 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 1965년 문둥북춤 춤사위부터 2000년 문둥북춤까지 춤사위가 5개에서 20개로 확장되고 이전보다 구체화된 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 문둥북춤에서 사용하는 소도구 북의 표현하는 방식이 65년의 경우 북을 치고 어르는 춤사위만 있었다면, 1988년의 경우 현재와 같이 북과 북채를 무대에 두고 등장하고 춤사위도 14개로 늘어난 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 2000년 문둥북춤의 경우 문둥이가 북을 잡고 난 이후부터 신명나게 춤을 추며 자진모리장단으로 발전되는 형태는 이전보다 춤사위가 더 다양해지고 이야기 구조를 좀 더 명확하게 표현하는데 사용된 것을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 고성오광대의 대표적인 춤사위 배김새가 1965년엔 보이지 않고 1969년엔 한 방향으로만 배김사위를 하는데 1988년과 2000년 문둥북춤에서 보여지는 배김사위는 좌우로 대칭하여 한 번씩 연행해 현재의 배김사위와 같은 것을 알 수 있었다.
