A Study on Extracting Car License Plate Numbers Using Image Segmentation Patterns

  • Received : 2018.08.01
  • Accepted : 2018.09.27
  • Published : 2018.10.31


This paper proposes a method of detecting the license plates of vehicles. The proposed technology applicable to different formats of license plates detects the numbers by standardizing the images at edge points. Specifically, in accordance with the format of each license plate, the technology captures the image in the character segment, and compares it against the sample model to derive their similarity and identify the numbers. Characters with high similarities are used to form a group of candidates and to extract the final characters. Analyzing the experimental results found the similarity of the extracted characters exceeded 90%, whereas that of less identifiable numbers was markedly lower. Still, the accuracy of the extracted characters with the highest similarity was over 80%. The proposed technology is applicable to extracting the character patterns of certain formats in diverse and useful ways.



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