A Study of prohibited history textbooks In Japan intervention period

통감부 시기 금지된 역사교과서 연구

  • Published : 2018.03.31


This study analyzes and compares the contents of the prohibited history textbooks to the officiated curriculum textbooks during the Japanese Intervention period. By doing so the study will discuss the curriculum regulation through the new educational sociology aspects. The results are as follows. First, the Residency-General placed Japanese advisors in educational faculties to prepare a foundation for colonial education. It was intended to influence the educational system and its contents by displaying their superiority represented by their group of elites. Second, In 1908, the authorities issued the textbook regulation, which controlled the contents of the education before the book was published. The standard for the regulation was to exclude contents that are disadvantageous to Japan, and is favorable to colonial rules. Third, The prohibited textbooks contained contents that violate the standards. This shows that during the Residency -General period the textbook examination system was a tool to control school curriculum. Fourth, after comparing the contents of both prohibited textbooks and regulated textbooks, the prohibited history textbooks included the national independence, the victory over the Japanese, patriotism, and unfavorable relations with Japan. On the other hand, the regulated textbooks omitted patriotism and ethnicity-independent content, and instead filled its content with a friendly relationship Korea had with Japan at the time. This phenomenon proves that knowledge and the way of thinking are favorable towards superior groups of society and have an influence in determining the content of school education. This is the new education sociology theology.
