'교육철학' 용어의 의미 분석: <물결21 코퍼스>를 중심으로

The meaning of 'Educational Philosophy': by the usage of

  • 발행 : 2018.03.31


This study focused on the meaning of 'educational philosophy' by the method of corpus analysis. There is the difference of meaning on educational philosophy between professional researchers and publics. This semantic phenomenon implies that the image acoustics of 'educational philosophy' are not matched between two groups. This study, which originated from Saussure's linguistics theory, examined the semantics of educational philosophy in the . Unlike philosophical inquiry on education, the definition of educational philosophy, the general public use 'educational philosophy' like the connotation of secret of successful learning and child nurturing. Given the power of the media and the mass, these tendency could affect the meaning and definition of educational philosophy. Professional researchers should investigate these acoustic image from the sense of linguistic and educational approaches. These researches could contribute to clarify descriptive and normative meaning of the educational philosophy.
