Spinal Deformity Surgery : It Becomes an Essential Part of Neurosurgery

  • Hyun, Seung-Jae (Department of Neurosurgery, Spine Center, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine) ;
  • Jung, Jong-myung (Department of Neurosurgery, Spine Center, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine)
  • 투고 : 2018.07.09
  • 심사 : 2018.07.27
  • 발행 : 2018.11.01


Among the spinal disorders, the treatment approach for spinal deformities has been discussed least among department of neurosurgery. But nowadays, more and more neurosurgeons are interested in spinal deformities as well as complex spinal disorders and are doing not a few surgeries for these kinds of disease. Nevertheless, it is mandatory to understand the course of spinal deformity, principles of treatment, and surgical outcomes and complications. Understanding of the biology, biomechanics and metallurgy of the spine and instrumentation are also required for successful spinal deformity surgery. We need senior mentors and good surgical and neurophysiologic monitoring team. Knowledge of spinal deformity may be augmented with spine fellowships and surgical experience. Step by step training such as basic knowledge, orthopedic as well as neurosurgical disciplines and surgical skills would be mandatory. Neurosurgeons can have several advantages for spinal deformity surgeries. By high-level technical ability of the spinal cord handling to preserve neurological function and familiarity with microscopic surgery, better synergistic effect could be expected. A fundamental understanding of pediatric spinal deformity and growing spine should be needed for spinal deformity surgery.



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