Coupled testing-modeling approach to ultimate state computation of steel structure with connections for statics and dynamics

  • Imamovic, Ismar (Laboratoire Roberval, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne / Sorbonne Universites) ;
  • Ibrahimbegovic, Adnan (Laboratoire Roberval, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne / Sorbonne Universites) ;
  • Mesic, Esad (Faculty of Civil Engineering, University Sarajevo)
  • Received : 2018.05.29
  • Accepted : 2018.06.14
  • Published : 2018.10.25


The moment-resistant steel frames are frequently used as a load-bearing structure of buildings. Global response of a moment-resistant frame structure strongly depends on connections behavior, which can significantly influence the response and load-bearing capacity of a steel frame structure. The analysis of a steel frame with included joints behavior is the main focus of this work. In particular, we analyze the behavior of two connection types through experimental tests, and we propose numerical beam model capable of representing connection behavior. The six experimental tests, under monotonic and cyclic loading, are performed for two different types of structural connections: end plate connection with an extended plate and end plate connection. The proposed damage-plasticity model of Reissner beam is able to capture both hardening and softening response under monotonic and cyclic loading. This model has 18 constitutive parameters, whose identification requires an elaborate procedure, which we illustrate in this work. We also present appropriate loading program and arrangement of measuring equipment, which is crucial for successful identification of constitutive parameters. Finally, throughout several practical examples, we illustrate that the steel structure connections are very important for correct prediction of the global steel frame structure response.



Supported by : French Ministry of Foreign


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