A Study on the Correlations among the Empathy Ability, Peer Relationships, and Smartphone Addiction of Children: The Mediating Effect of Empathy Ability

아동의 공감능력, 또래관계, 스마트폰 중독의 관계 연구: 공감능력의 매개효과 검증

  • Jang, Eun Jung (Dept. of Early Childhood Education,, Doowoon Technical University College)
  • 장은정 (두원공과대학교 유아교육과)
  • Received : 2018.10.29
  • Accepted : 2018.12.26
  • Published : 2018.12.31


This study aimed to identify any possible correlations among the empathy ability, peer relationships, and smartphone addiction of upper-grade elementary school students; the effects of empathy ability and peer relationships on smartphone addiction; and to verify the mediating effect of the empathy ability between peer relationships and smartphone addiction. To this end, the empathy ability, peer relationship, and smartphone addiction tests were conducted among 154 six-grade elementary school students in Gyeonggi and Our findings were as follows; First, in terms of the correlations among empathy ability, peer relationships, and smartphone addiction, the empathy ability and peer relationships were shown to have a positive correlation while the empathy ability and smartphone addiction turned out to have a negative correlation, which was also the case between peer relationships and smartphone addiction. Second, when it came to the effects of the empathy ability and peer relationships on smartphone addiction, the emotional empathy as part of the empathy ability and the esteem out of peer relationships were shown to have a negative effect on smartphone addiction, indicating that an increase of emotional empathy and esteem resulted in less smart phone addiction. Third, in terms of the effect of peer relationships on smartphone addiction with the empathy ability as a medium, peer relationships and smartphone addiction were shown to be partially mediated by the empathy ability. These findings are meaningful in that they could serve as the basic data for the development of smartphone addiction prevention programs for elementary school students.



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