항정신병약물로 유발된 고프로락틴혈증을 가진 조현병 환자의 삶의 질

Quality of Life of Antipsychotic-Induced Hyperprolactinemia in Patients with Schizophrenia

  • 우선진 (경북대학교 의과대학 정신건강의학교실) ;
  • 진보현 (경북대학교 의과대학 정신건강의학교실) ;
  • 원승희 (경북대학교 의과대학 정신건강의학교실)
  • Woo, Seonjin (Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Jin, Bo-Hyun (Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Won, Seunghee (Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University)
  • 투고 : 2018.05.09
  • 심사 : 2018.09.20
  • 발행 : 2018.10.31


Objectives : Antipsychotic-induced hyperprolactinemia causes physical symptoms, such as amenorrhea, galactorrhea, gynecomastia, sexual dysfunction, and bone density loss, as well as psychiatric symptoms, such as depression and cognitive impairments. This study aimed to clarify the associations among hyperprolactinemia caused by antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia, psychiatric pathology, and psychosocial factors. Methods : Ninety-nine patients with schizophrenia in the psychiatry department of a university hospital were registered between 2015 and 2017. All participants were assessed using structured questionnaires to elucidate psychopathology, social function, quality of life, and hyperprolactinemia-related side effects. The standard levels for hyperprolactinemia were 24ng/mL for women and 20ng/mL for men. Results : The average prolactin levels were $73.45{\pm}49.37ng/mL$ in patients with hyperprolactinemia and $9.16{\pm}6.42ng/mL$ in those without hyperprolactinemia. The average prolactin level in women was significantly higher than that in men(p=0.04). Risperidone was most commonly administered in patients with hyperprolactinemia(58.1%, p<0.01), while aripiprazole was most commonly administered in those without hyperprolactinemia(44.7%, p<0.01). Patients with hyperprolactinemia had significantly higher Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale(p=0.03) and Patient Health Questionnaire-9(p=0.05) scores and had significantly lower Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale(p=0.04) and Strauss-Carpenter Levels of Functioning Scale(p=0.03) scores than patients without hyperprolactinemia. There were no significant differences in side effects or quality of life between the two groups. Conclusion : These findings demonstrate that hyperprolactinemia confers negative effects on depression and social function, but does not directly affect the quality of life. These results suggest that patients with schizophrenia who take antipsychotics that increase prolactin or cause side effects of hyperprolactinemia need to be assessed and receive interventions for depression.



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