Commentary Study on Automatic Speedbrake Control System of B747-8

B747-8 Automatic Speedbrake Control System에 대한 해석적 연구

  • 문봉섭 (대한항공 B747-8i) ;
  • 남명관 (인하공업전문대학 항공기계과) ;
  • 최연철 (한서대학교 항공정보산업대학원)
  • Received : 2018.07.07
  • Accepted : 2018.09.25
  • Published : 2018.09.30


Reducing aircraft speed is the important task in the Rejected Takeoff and/or landing process. It is known that the effect of the Speedbrake is most important factor during the rejected takeoff maneuver in particular near V1 on the critical field length runway. The B747 designer created Automatic Speedbrake Control System to relieve pilot workload, improves brake operation and ensures proper Speedbrake operation for rejected take off. However, those who make the Rejected Takeoff procedure ignored the Automatic function and made it does all manual operations. This lets procedures difficult, complicated, and a cause of confusion and pilot error. This study was conducted to commentary the mechanism and function of the Automatic Speedbrake Control System of B747-8 and to propose appropriate B747-8 Rejected Take off procedures for its function to reduce the workload of pilots and contribute to reduce the possibility of pilot error during Rejected Takeoff.



  1. Airline Accident Statistics 2016,
  2. Aero magazine - Issue 11, Boeing, 2000
  3. Takeoff Safety Training AID 2.1, FAA, 1993
  4. Kunsoo Noh, Younchul Choi, "A Study on Rejected Takeoff Transition Time improvement of Air Transportation Aircraft", 2005, Korean Society of Transportation, Vol.23, no5, pp.7-16.
  5. B747-8 Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
  6. 747-8 Flight Crew Operations Manual, Boeing.
  7. B747-8 Airplane Flight Manual(AFM), Reject Procedure p.19, Boeing,
  8. B747-8 POM "Reject Procedure", Boeing, 2017.