Effect of Cognitive Style on Collaborative Problem Solving Ability in Programming Learning

  • Kwon, Boseob (Dept. of Computer Education, Andong National University)
  • 투고 : 2018.07.20
  • 심사 : 2018.08.30
  • 발행 : 2018.09.28


Problem solving by programming has a lot of influence on computational thinking improvement. Programming learning has been self-directed based on the individual's thoughts and principles. However, the revised informatics curriculum in 2015 puts importance on collaborative learning. Collaborative learning emphasizes results differently from cooperative learning, which emphasizes problem-solving processes. And cooperative learning leads to structured learning, such as role sharing and activity stages, within a small group, while collaborative learning leads to unstructured learning. Therefore, it is becoming more in collaborative learning that peer interaction can be affected by learners' cognitive style. In this paper, we propose the effect of cognitive style on problem solving ability in collaborative learning for problem solving by programming. As a result, collaborative learning was effective in improving problem solving ability and there was no significant difference in cognitive style.



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