A Study of Incremental and Multiple Entry Support Parser for Multi View Editing Environment

다중 뷰 편집환경을 위한 점진적 다중진입 지원 파서에 대한 연구

  • 염세훈 (동서울대학교 컴퓨터소프트웨어과) ;
  • 방혜자 (서울과학기술대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
  • Received : 2018.08.20
  • Accepted : 2018.09.04
  • Published : 2018.09.30


As computer performance and needs of user convenience increase, computer user interface are also changing. This changes had great effects on software development environment. In past, text editors like vi or emacs on UNIX OS were the main development environment. These editors are very strong to edit source code, but difficult and not intuitive compared to GUI(Graphical User Interface) based environment and were used by only some experts. Moreover, the trends of software development environment was changed from command line to GUI environment and GUI Editor provides usability and efficiency. As a result, the usage of text based editor had decreased. However, because GUI based editor use a lot of computer resources, computer performance and efficiency are decreasing. The more contents are, the more time to verify and display the contents it takes. In this paper, we provide a new parser that provide multi view editing, incremental parsing and multiple entry of abstract syntax tree.



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